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Fire Disturbance Focus Area Contributions to International Structures


GCOS target requirements for Fire were set as follows (GCOS-200):

Variable/Parameter Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Accuracy Stability
Active fire maps (polar-orbiting) 0.25-1km N/A 6 hours (all latitudes) 5% error of comission, 10% error of omission, based on per fire comparisons for fires above 5 MW/km2 FRP N/A
Active fire maps (geostationary) 1-3 km N/A 1 hour 5% error of comission, 10% error of omission, based on per fire comparisons for fires above 5 MW/km2 FRP N/A

Variable/Parameter Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Accuracy Stability
Burned Area 30m N/A Daily 15% (error of omission and comission), compared to 30m observations  

Variable/Parameter Horizontal Resolution Vertical Resolution Temporal Resolution Accuracy Stability
FRP (polar-orbiting) 0.25-1km N/A 6 hours (all latitudes) 10% integrated over pixel, based on target detection threshold of 5 MW/km2 FRP N/A
FRP (geostationary) 1-3km N/A 1 hour 10% integrated over pixel, based on target detection threshold of 5 MW/km2 FRP N/A

LPV Fire contributes toward action items T35, T36, T60, T61, T62, T63, T64 (2016 IP, GCOS-200).

GTOS Fire Document

Csiszar, I. A., O. Arino, R. Geraci, L. Giglio, J.G. Goldammer, W. de Groot, C.O. Justice, S. Kondragunta, E. Prins, R.   Sessa, K. Tansey. 2009. Fire: Fire Disturbance, ECV-T13: GTOS Assessment of the status of the development of   standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables, ed., R. Sessa, FAO, Rome.


The GOFC/GOLD-Fire Implementation Team, along with the LPV subgroup, is pursuing the coordinated validation of these fire products by standardized protocols.