Beyond the collaboration of LPV within the CEOS structure and related space agencies, we closely collaborate with many national and international entities. LPV has close links to the Terrestrial Observation Panel on Climate which is part of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), to GOFC-GOLD, as well as to many in situ networks (the most relevant networks are listed under the corresponding focus area pages). LPV is actively seeking collaboration with ongoing data quality efforts such as QA4ECV.
To understand better where the LPV Subgroup fits among the larger scheme of things, view this graphic.
The Land Product Validation subgroup arose out of the recognition in the late nineties that standardized approaches to global product validation were essential for wide acceptance and use of proposed global land products. Several programs at the time were aimed at global monitoring of Earth processes, many with plans to distribute higher level data products. New global products would benefit from common approach to validation and would encourage widespread use of validation data, and thus help to move toward standardized approaches to global product validation. With the high cost of in-situ data collection, the potential benefits from international cooperation are considerable and obvious.
Requests for assistance from the original Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) pilot projects, and two subsequent ad hoc meetings of the WGCV, identified a clear need for improved international collaboration on the validation of land products derived from Earth observing satellites. A new subgroup within the WGCV was proposed to the CEOS Plenary in Stockholm at the end of 1999, receiving full support. The LPV was officially adopted as a subgroup at the WGCV-17 meeting in October of 2000.
For a historical perspective on the leadership and evolution of the LPV subgroup, view the page where past LPV leadership and service to the valiation community are shown.