Alexander Gruber, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Soil moisture is expressed as soil water content (mass or volume of water in the soil) or soil water potential (soil water energy status). The volumetric soil water content is defined as the volume of the water divided by the total volume (volume of dry soil, air, and water) of a soil sample. Conversion is possible if soil properties are known. (WMO, 2008, updated 2012.)
Units: Volumetric soil water content is expressed in units of m3m-3. Additionally, degree of saturation and gravimetric mass fraction are used for some products, expressed as percent and g cm-3, respectively.
Validation stage 4 (LPV validation stage hierarchy) - Recent efforts from the Quality Assurance for Soil Moisture (QA4SM) platform provide the means for SM to reach Stage 4 validation. The QA4SM platform enables the systematic, automated, and traceable validation of soil moisture products using various reference datasets following the existing SM Validation Good Practice guidelines (see below). These reference data sets included an International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN)-based Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM) subset. The Fiducial Reference Measurements for Soil moisture (FRM4SM) project lays out guidelines to establish, or to identify existing, soil moisture FRM datasets.
Satellite product validation plan documents that serve as the best references for validation of soil moisture:
SMAP launch, January 31, 2015
Best currently available in situ reference data for satellite-derived soil moisture product validation are provided by in situ operational networks, most of which can be found at the ISMN web site. A match-up database of reference data from soil moisture core validation sites (including other land surface parameters) with the SMAP EASE grid at 3, 9, and 36 km resolution can be found here at the NSIDC DAAC.
Land Product Validation and Evolution, June 12 -14, 2023 ESA/ESRIN, Italy.
IGARRS 2023, 16-21 July 2023, Pasadena, CA. Abstract submission due 18 Nov 2022.
EGU 2023, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria. Abstract submission due 10 Jan 2023.