Note: The initial focus of LPV in 2000 was LAI, but other areas of focus were included in the early years (surface radiation, fire, land cover). However, there were no individual leads for the four initial topical areas. But it was too much for 2 people, so the LPV subgroup was expanded and recruited co-leads for each focus area to help out. This expansion began in 2006 after the idea was introduced at a meeting at the University of Montana by then Chair, Fred Baret.
Chair: Jeff Privette
Vice Chair: Jeff Morisette
Chair: Jeff Morisette
Vice Chair: Fred Baret
Chair: Fredric Baret
Vice Chair: Sebastien Garrigues
Focus Area Leads
Land Cover (Martin Herold, Mark Friedl)
Fire (Kevin Tansey, Luigi Boscetti)
Biophysical – LAI & Fapar ( (Richard Fernandes, Steven Plummer)
Surface Radiation (Gabriela Schaepman, Crystal Schaaf)
Soil Moisture (Wolfgand Wagner, Tom Jackson)
LST & Emissivity (Simon Hook, Jose Sobrino)
Chair: Joanne Nightingale
Vice Chair: Gabriela Schaepman-Strub
Focus Area Leads
Land Cover (Martin Herold, Mark Friedl)
Fire (Kevin Tansey, Luigi Boscetti)
Biophysical - LAI & Fapar (Richard Fernandes, Steven Plummer)
Surface Radiation (Gabriela Schaepman, Crystal Schaaf)
Soil Moisture (Wolfgang Wagner, Tom Jackson)
LST & Emissivity (Simon Hook, Jose Sobrino)
Phenology (Jeff Morisette, Jadu Dash)
Chair: Gabriela Schaepman-Strub
Vice Chair: Miguel Román
Focus Area Leads
Land Cover (Martin Herold, Pontus Olofsson)
Fire (Kevin Tansey, Luigi Boscetti)
Fapar (Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, Nadine Gobron)
LAI (Oliver Sonnentag, Steven Plummer)
Surface Radiation (Crystal Schaaf, Xavier Ceamanos)
Soil Moisture (Wolfgang Wagner, Tom Jackson)
LST & Emissivity (Simon Hook, Jose Sobrino)
Phenology (Jadu Dash, Matt Jones)
Snow Cover (Dorothy Hall, Tao Che)
Chair: Miguel Román
Vice Chair: Fernando Camacho
Focus Area Leads
Land Cover (Martin Herold, Pontus Olofsson)
Fire (Kevin Tansey, Luigi Boscetti)
Biophysical (Nadine Gobron, Oliver Sonnentag, Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, Hongliang Fang)
Surface Radiation (Crystal Schaaf, Alessio Lattanzio)
Soil Moisture (Wolfgang Wagner, Tom Jackson)
LST & Emissivity (Simon Hook, Jose Sobrino)
Phenology (Jadu Dash, Matt Jones)
Snow Cover (Thomas Nagler, Tao Che)
Biomass (Laura Duncanson, John Armston, Mat Disney)
Vegetation Indices (Tomoaki Miura, Else Swinen, Carolien Tote)
Chair: Fernando Camacho
Vice Chair: Michael Cosh
Focus Area Leads
Land Cover (Pontus Olofsson, Sophie Bontemps)
Fire (Andrew Edwards, Gareth Roberts)
Biophysical (Hongliang Fang, Marie Weiss, Slyvain Leblanc)
Surface Radiation (Zhuosen Wang, Ian Grant)
Soil Moisture (Pierre Guillevic, Carsten Montzka)
LST & Emissivity (Frank Goettsche, Glynn Hulley)
Phenology (Joshua Gray, Victor Rodriguez-Galiano)
Snow Cover (Thomas Nagler)
Biomass (Laura Duncanson, John Armston, Mat Disney)
Vegetation Indices (Tomoaki Miura, Else Swinen)
Chair: Michael Cosh
Vice Chair: Fabrizio Niro
Focus Area Leads
Land Cover (Sophie Bontemps, Sasha Tuyukavina)
Fire (Gareth Roberts, Louis Giglio)
Biophysical (Hongliang Fang, Marie Weiss, Slyvain Leblanc)
Surface Radiation (Zhuosen Wang, Dominique Carrer)
Soil Moisture (Carsten Montzka, John Bolten)
LST & Emissivity (Frank Goettsche, Glynn Hulley)
Phenology (Joshua Gray, Victor Rodriguez-Galiano)
Snow Cover (Simon Gascoin, Chris Crawford)
Biomass (Laura Duncanson, John Armston, Mat Disney)
Vegetation Indices (Tomoaki Miura, Else Swinen)