GCOS target requirements for fAPAR were set as follows (GCOS-200):
Variable/Parameter | Horizontal Resolution | Vertical Resolution | Temporal Resolution | Accuracy | Stability |
fAPAR | 200/500m | N/A | daily | Max (10%;0.05) | Max (3%;0.02) |
LPV fAPAR contributes towards action items T35, T36, T37, T40, T41 (2016 IP, GCOS-200).
Gobron, N. and M. Verstraete. 2009. Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, ECV-T10: GTOS Assessment of the status of the development of standards for the Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables, ed., R. Sessa, FAO, Rome.
Nadine Gobron, former LPV fAPAR co-lead, is deputy leader of WP5 (Validation of multi-decadal ECV data using the QA system).